


大家好,今天编者关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于 40d北京维修的问题,于是小编就整理了几个相关介绍 40d北京维修的解答和北京bj40维修站 的资料,让我们一起看看吧。



•Err99 results from an electronic communication problem between the lens and the camera.


•Err99 results from using third-party (i.e. Sigma, Tamron, Tokina) lenses.


•Err99 means that electronic circuitry in the lens has failed.


•Err99 means that electronic circuitry in the camera has failed.


•Err99 results from using third party batteries.


•Err99 is a firmware issue, and can be fixed by upgrading to the latest firmware.


•Err99 started with Canon XT and 20D cameras.

err99问题起源于佳能 Rebel xt(国内即300d)和20d相机。


•Using older battery (solved after replacing battery)使用了旧电池。

•Bad CF card (solved after replacing card)坏的cf卡。

•After marked temperature change (solved after letting the camera sit for a day or so, probably condensation)在温差较大的情况下使用。

•After mounting battery grip (solved after remounting the battery grip)在插入附加电池手柄后。

•With single lens only, all other lenses fine (solved by repairing the lens)单一镜头问题。更换镜头即解决。

•Early copies of 50D (solved after firmware update)早期50d固件。

•Camera used with third party shoe mounted flash (solved after flash removed)使用了第三方热靴闪光灯。

•Dirty contacts (solved by cleaning, sometimes that is the only problem)机身和镜头电子触点接触不良。

•For no apparent reason, it went away for good after doing the routine Err99 protocol. This part reminds me of “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”…对于无明确原因的问题,任何高科技都无法用魔力来解释清楚。


First, we pull a “tech support” reboot.(首先推荐一个“官方技术支持”式的重启)

1.Turn camera off.关机

2.Remove battery.取出电池

3.Replace battery.重装电池

4.Turn camera on.开机

5.Try a shot.试着拍摄。

Sometimes that works. If not then a full reboot:有时这样可以解决问题,若不行则来个完全重启。

1.Turn off the camera.关机

2.Remove the lens, battery, date-time battery (see below), and CF card.取下镜头、电池、日期电池和cf卡。

3.Allow the camera to sit without power for approximately 20 minutes with the power switch “on”. Recharge the battery during this time. (Full disclosure here: somebody once suggested the 20 minutes and power switch on part, we want to top off the battery anyway, and we’ve generally got other stuff to do so we do it this way. Waiting 30 seconds and using a different, fully charged battery would probably be just as good, but this is what we do.)在开关为“on”的状态下,放置20分钟。让其内部将余电消耗。这期间再给电池充电。

4.Turn off the camera, replace the backup battery, insert the fully charged battery, turn on the camera.关机,将充满电的备用电池插入,

5.Press the shutter button to check for Err99.按快门,检查err99.

6.If Err99 occurs, remove the battery, examine and clean the battery and camera connections. If at all possible, try a different battery.如果仍是err99。取出电池,检查并清洁电池和相机的触点,如果有可能,尽量换块不同的电池。

7.If Err99 still occurs, use the manual sensor cleaning function to raise the mirror and open the shutter. If the shutter does not completely open, it is the source of the problem. If a leaf is out of alignment, some people have reported using a soft brush to move the shutter leaf back into place. Personally, I’d send it in for service。若er99仍然出现,用手动清洁感光元件功能升起反光板,打开快门,若快门不能开启,则是快门的问题。如果快门叶片不在正确的位置,有人说用软刷子使其归位,但我个人认为这个不合适,还是交给客服更好。

8.If Err99 still occurs, the camera almost certainly needs service. You might try reinstalling firmware, but it’s unlikely to work.若err99仍然出现,那么这个机子真该去客服那儿了。你可以尝试重装固件,但不一定有效。

If there’s no Err99 after the above, the next step is to check the storage system:


1.Insert and format CF card, then press the shutter button as you would to take a picture.插入并格式化cf卡。然后按下快门拍照。

2.If Err99 try a different brand and size of card. If no Err99, the problem was the card and you should be done.若出现err99,尝试换张别的牌子的或容量的卡。如果未出现err99,那就是卡的问题。

3.If Err99 still occurs with a different card, the problem is with the camera’s card connections, and repair will be necessary.如果换卡后err99仍然出现,那就是相机上与卡连接部位的问题。返修时必须的。

Finally, check the lens:最后检查镜头。

1.Turn the camera back off.关机

2.Gently clean the contacts on both the lens and the camera (see Note #2 below)


3.Remount the problem lens, set to manual focus, IS off, widest aperture and take a picture.安装问题镜头,设为手动,关闭is防抖,最大化光圈。拍摄。

4.If no Err99 with everything off, activate autofocus, then IS, then stop the aperture down, taking a picture to confirm no ERR 99 after each step.在所有镜头功能关闭下,若无err99,则开启自动对焦,然后是is防抖,由此一步步找出问题。

5.If Err99 occurs, try a different lens. If only one lens is a problem, that lens needs servicing. You’ll get better service results when you can be specific: i.e. “Err99 only when IS activated, etc.” in your service request.如果还是有err99,试着换个镜头,若只是一个镜头的问题,那么那只头就该修了。尽量明确错误的具体地方,如,“只有当is开启时err99才出现。”

6.If Err99 occurs with more than one lens, and no other cause is apparent, the camera needs to head to Canon for repair.





佳能40D 出现错误

Err 99 是"未知"的错误. 是由于多方面原因引起的. 可能是: 1. 电池盖未关闭: 重新关闭电池盖 2. 镜头接触不良: 清洗镜头接触部分, 或直接卸掉镜头 3. 记忆卡接触不良: 清洗袭击卡插槽 4. 快门组错误: 这个必须返修了. 5. 如果有闪光灯, 也可能是反光拍摄. 基本上得返修才能解决. 建议你一定去专业的返修地点. 这样信誉比较好. 我在北京的一家专修修的,一般要放在那里几天就能修好了. 效果很好. 你可以查询一下当地的维修处.

我的佳能EOS 40D 镜头内壁进了水雾,要送到佳能维修中心擦掉,要多少钱的维修费啊





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